Ganesh with Monkey
Ganesh Side
Ganesh Crawl
Ganesh Pointing
Looking to broaden my skill sets as an illustrator and artist I decided to take a few classes in animation at the Academy of Art in San Francisco. So far the experience has been pretty good and I figured I would share some of the preliminary drawings I am doing for my intro to Maya/3d animation class. This character was inspired by the Hindu Elephant Deity , Ganesh. Ganesh is said to be the Lord of success and destroyer of evil and obstacles. In addition he is worshiped as the god of education, knowledge , wisdom, and wealth. For various reasons I am a bit weary about being back in school again. Reasons such as the financial burdens that come along with education in the US. So I am hoping Ganesh will look out for me, even if I happened to cross him with a turtle in my design. These drawings will be made into a 3d model, textured, rigged, and animated. I hope to post the process along the way. For now here are the drawings...