Sunday, February 24, 2013

Alchemist roughs

Tangiers concept sketch

Chieftan sketch

Santiago the shepherd character study

The Chieftans

  Many years ago on a flight from Connecticut to Denver I had the chance to read The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho, a beautiful story about a young Spanish Shepherd that embarks on a journey to unlock the significance of his recurring dreams. The story is filled with captivating imagery, beautiful landscapes, and magical characters in which have inspired me to create a series of illustrations. This post contains an assortment of rough drawings in which I hope will result in finished watercolor paintings. The scene containing multiple figures is furthest along in its development, while the others are tiny thumbnails taken from my moleskin sketch book.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Stanley Photos

Stanley in Fiji

Stanley in Argentina

Stanley in Thailand

Stanley in Mongolia

Stanley in UK with celebrtiy
Jessica-Jane Clement

In Kenya with Celebrity
Eric Omondi

Stanley in Maldives

Stanley in Democratic Republic
of the Congo

 Creating pictures is something I have been doing for as long as I can remember. For me it is something that has just always been there, something that I have always felt the need to do. In the past ten years my illustrations have been used for a variety of purposes, personally, as well as commercially. Work as an illustrator certainly has its ups and downs, and some projects are far more rewarding than others.

 At this time, the Shark Stanley campaign, has been by far the most satisfying project I have ever been involved with. Personally I see creating pictures as a way to express an idea, a vehicle in which to tell a story, a process that may end up in an image in which will spark the viewers imagination. If I can do any of the three things listed above then I see the illustration as a success. Although I have always dreamed of using my art in a way that could not only satisfy me, or an art director, but as a way of bettering the world. Shark Stanley for me has added a whole new element to what is possible through picture making, it has shown me that my Illustrations have the potential to reach a global audience,  and can help to make positive impacts in our world.

 I have been very lucky to be a part of an awesome team on this project, who without, I do not think that campaign would have been  nearly as successful. Hats off to everyone that has been involved! In this post I have included various photos that have been taken world wide with Shark Stanley and Friends. Every time I see photos being added to the Shark Stanley page, filled with smiling faces, it brightens up my day. Seeing these photos makes me feel great about choosing the path, although rather difficult at times,  to be a picture maker.

A big thank you to everyone that has been participating in the Shark Stanley campaign and for posting photos on the web. I am not sure who the photographers were for each of the shots included int his post, but if you would like to be credited please drop me a line with your info and I will be happy to include it with the photo!

Thanks again everyone!

To learn more about Shark Stanley and Friends visit them on Face Book:

As well as at the Shark Defenders web site:

Monday, February 4, 2013

At the Crossroads

 Robert Johnson Thumbnail 1.5"x 3"

Value Study

Robert Johnson at the Crossroads
Watercolor 11"x 15"

It is said that the blues musician Robert Johnson made a pact with the devil, exchanging his sole for  musical  talents. This legend that has been retold in many shapes and forms since Johnson's untimely death in 1938. Obviously the story inspired me to create this painting, and in this post I am sharing a bit about the process of creating the final image. The first image is one of many small thumbnail drawings that I always do when starting an illustration. The second image is a digital value study, and at this point in the process I lay out the large shapes within the composition. The final painting was done with Yarka watercolors on Arches cold pressed paper. The painting was scanned and I made a few finishing  tweaks in photoshop.

For more information about the legend of Robert Johnson check out this link: