Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Full Service

Full Service from Phillip Schaal on Vimeo.

In the last few weeks I have put rock climbing on the back burner. Between rain, tornado's, a tweaked finger, and most importantly school, there just really has not been time for the rocks.
So I figured I would post a little video that Phil Schaal shot while in Hueco Tanks this past winter.

The climb is Full Service v10, and I believe it was one of the earliest problems of the grade in the United States, a classic for sure. I tried it maybe 6 or so years ago with out much success at all, I  could barely  do the moves at the time. So it was nice to go back older and wiser(certainly not stronger) and complete the problem. I had not done the top out , which resulted in me sketching out and losing my hat in the tree( Uh Dab!). Luckily my friend Adam Strong was there  to provide some encouraging beta , which certainly helped me claw my way to the top of the problem. I think I would have pitched had Adam not been there with the clutch beta to use a lower hold.Thanks Adam!


Anonymous said...

dude, do you know Dave Pearson, I think I see him in the vid. That guys a legend. Chris Webb Parsons too. thats supa dope.

DWHY said...

Yeah I thought guys like that didn't really exist, mythical beings and such. Legends!