Monday, May 17, 2010

Random Drawings/Sketches

Haven't had all that much time to get to involved with any big projects at the moment as I am moving to the bay area on weds.. So time has been spent packing things up and getting somewhat organized. While digging through my art work in order to figure out what I am taking with me I came across many drawings and sketches that I have created for various reasons. As you can tell they are pretty random as I think a lot of my work is. In order to keep things fresh, I tend to bounce around between different mediums and subject matter. In addition I like to switch things up as far as the way in which I create my work, as you can see by looking at these drawings. Some are done directly from photographic reference, some are completely created out of my imagination, some from direct observation, and some are a combination of all.
Georgie Porgie
Brush and Ink, 6"x7"

Five Brave Nights Rough
Graohite, 5"x7"

Five Brave Knights Rough 2
Graphite, 5"x7"

Pasadena Prelim,
Graphite, 6"x"9"

Sketch Book Page,Koh San Rd., Thailand, 2010
Graphite, 5"x5"

Graphite, 8"x11"

Rough Drawing for DPM article
Graphite and Digital, 7"x11"

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